Medicals and Check-Ups
We offer many different types of health screening from basic check-ups to well man and well woman health screening, as well as sexual health screening.
Our primary objective at The Frater Clinic is to help our patients to maintain their physical and mental health for as long as possible. By carefully assessing lifestyle, giving appropriate advice, and carrying out the relevant examinations and investigations, we provide a health screen which is tailored to suit your particular needs.
We believe that health screening can prevent the emergence of life-threatening conditions by identifying the signs at an early stage. In this way, one is able to have treatment, make necessary lifestyle changes or have regular check-ups in the future to minimise the risk of advanced disease and poor outcome.
Clearly, not all diseases are preventable. However, lifestyle issues can be effectively assessed and modified, thereby dramatically reducing key risk factors. The overriding philosophy of The Frater Clinic is that by early detection of a potential problem, risk can be reduced through the appropriate precautions and interventions.
Please call The Frater Clinic on 020 7486 8927 for more information on our Health Screening options.
To make an appointment, please telephone 07801 925 724 (from outside the UK, call +44 (0) 7801 925 724) or Email: [email protected].
Clinic address 94 Harley Street, London W1G 7HX
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